

  • Inner Wheel steunt Het Rode Kruis in gans België

Dit jaar zetten we ons terug in om vrouwen en kinderen die het wat minder hebben een duwtje in de rug te geven
Inner Wheel is al bijna een eeuw wereldwijd actief! Oudste en grootste serviceclub ter wereld voor vrouwen met 2 vertegenwoordigers bij de U.N.O.
Bedankt Annemie voor je prachtige uiteenzetting over moderne kant

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International Inner Wheel 19th convention Manchester 2024

The I.I.W. is a global organization that promotes friendship, service, and understanding among women from different countries and cultures. Every year, the organization holds a convention that brings together Inner Wheel members from around the world to share ideas, learn from each other, and celebrate their achievements. The 19th International Inner Wheel Convention will take place in Manchester, UK, in 2024. This event promises to be a truly unforgettable experience for all attendees, featuring inspiring keynote speakers, engaging workshops, and exciting social events. One of the highlights of the convention is the opportunity to meet and network with Inner Wheel members from all corners of the globe. This is a chance to make new friends, learn about different cultures, and share your own experiences with like-minded women.

So, mark your calendars for Manchester 2024 – you won't want to miss this amazing event!


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